Coffee & Tea
The Elegant Gourmet carries a wide selection of coffees in strength, flavours and blends as you would come to expect from any fine cafe.
We currently stock a variety of Fair Trade Organic, Rain Forest Alliance & Direct Trade Coffees. We also carry a large selection of Flavoured Coffees (most are available in Decaf as well). We also make our own Cold Brew in the summer.
Don’t forget about our Chai Lattes, Lattes, Cappuccinos (all iced in the summer) & Red Espresso!
Here are a few of our favourites among the choices we offer:
Colombian Los Hermosas ~ a nice, medium blend coffee.
Espresso BULLET ~ a full body, smooth espresso
Rainforest Alliance Firefly Decaf ~ a medium-dark roast coffee
Rainforest Alliance/Fair Trade Organic Sierra Verde ~ a rich, medium roasted coffee
Ethiopia Sidama ~ a light to medium body coffee
Sumatra Ketambe ~ an earthy, dark roast coffee
Our Delicious Selection of Flavoured Coffees:
Caramel Nut (regular & Decaf), Christmas Blend (seasonal), Cinnamon Hazelnut, French Caramel, French Vanilla (regular & Decaf), Elmer Fudge (regular & Decaf), Hat Trick ~ Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel (regular & Decaf), Jamaica Me Crazy, Maple Cream, Pumpkin Spice (seasonal), Par 3 (Chocolate, Vanilla & Hazelnut), Vanilla Hazelnut Cream (regular & Decaf)
We have a tea for everyone!
The health benefits of each can be provided upon request.
Come in and enjoy a fine selection of Black Tea, Green Tea, Red Tea (Rooibos), White Tea, Fruit Tea, Herbal Tea, & Matcha Tea! Which one is your favourite?
Black Tea ~ (Blueberry, Chai, Creme Earl Grey, Creme Irish Breakfast, English Breakfast (regular & Decaf), Irish Breakfast, Lover’s Leap (orange pekoe))
Green Tea ~ (Steamed Darjeeling, Genmaicha, Japanese Sencha (regular & Decaf), Jasmine with Flowers, Matcha (Green, White, Black & Red, Peppermint & Vanilla), Yerba Mate)
Fruit Tea ~ (Lady Hannah Whole Fruit)
Red Tea ~ (Rooibos, pronounced roy-bus) ~ Herbal Organic Regular, Blueberry, Bourbon Street Vanilla, Earl Grey, Florida Orange, Ginger Bounce, Georgia Peach, Le Marche Spice, Provence, Lemon)
Herbal ~ (Camomile, Peppermint)
White Tea ~ (Silver Moonlight)